Meet Heidi

“I started to realize that a lot of fashion designers didn’t have the computer skills they need to make it.” — Heidi “I got my start in the industry because of my computer skills” Heidi Marie wanted to work as a fashion designer since she was a little girl. After graduating from college with honors and…

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woman with calculator and invoices

The Annual Financial Checklist

It’s important to maintain your automated financial system. Every year, I spend a few hours re-reviewing my system and making any changes necessary. For example, have I added subscriptions that I don’t need anymore? Should I adjust my Conscious Spending Plan to account for new short-term goals? Set aside some time every year—I recommend December…

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How to Quit a Job

For most, 2022 was a year of record layoffs, economic uncertainty, and runaway inflation. Yet, 4,000+ people quit their job in October alone. What might this mean? For starters, many “survivors” report feeling burnt out from having to  pick up the slack of their ex-teammates. Like them, nobody knows how layoffs (and a looming recession) will affect…

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