Are There Really Jobs For Lazy People?

Are there really jobs for lazy people? That’s a complicated question.

At the end of the day, one has to show up for their job.

But maybe it is possible if the job is relatively easy, unconventional, slow-paced, low-stress, and involves something you’re passionate about. 

The key here is to utilize your strengths.

Where else would you anticipate finding the majority of the greatest innovations in the world?

Correct, lazy people were the ones who came up with it.

They believed that physically hard work should be discouraged rather than encouraged.

Can you imagine hard workers creating the wheel, remote control, microwave, elevator, or automobile?

Not a chance!

The true source of productivity is sloth.

So, get comfortable and relax, you wonderful slacker.

In this post, you’ll learn about a few viable professions for “power savers” like you. 

Who would have thought that you could monetize your carefree attitude and easygoing lifestyle?

Well, it turns out you can. 

Ideal Jobs For Lazy People 

Sleep Study Participant 

This is as lazy as you can get. 

Researchers constantly need people to take part in their studies.

In that case, why not look into sleep research? 

In a nutshell, you will be compensated for your time spent sleeping.

You won’t have to do much as long as you’re fine being observed or tracking your sleep habits.

Beer Taster 

This is trickier than it seems because you will need to describe the quality of the beer for marketing and sales purposes rather than giving your subjective assessments. 

Typically, breweries will use the services of professional beer tasters who can evaluate the quality of a beer based on its characteristics.

Consider enrolling in an online course or two to earn a certificate in craft beer technology if you aspire to work as a professional beer taster.

After that, there’s just a lot of beer drinking in your future as a tester.

It’s an easy job if you’re going to drink beer anyway.

Related Reading: How To Turn $100 To $1000 – Learn To Multiply Your Income Here.


Among all possible occupations, house sitting has to rank among the laziest.

People hire you to watch after their home while they’re abroad. 

Things like getting the mail and watering the plants are all that will be required of you. 

When no one is around, you’re free to lounge around in your pajamas and do anything you like, as long as you don’t wreck the premises!

Mystery Shopper 

The ideal online job for someone who enjoys shopping but occasionally feels terrible about frivolous purchases.

When conducting a mystery shop, one must remain anonymous while exploring an online store. 

To “go undercover,” you access the online store and act as though you are a genuine shopper. 

Meanwhile, your regular payments will be handled by an outside market research firm.

When shopping, the mystery shopper has to check out a brand’s prices and service without drawing attention to themselves and make an accurate report to the employer


Quite a few folks think that gaming is a useless pastime.

The majority of gamers are either minors or paid streamers, and most adults would prefer to steer clear of video games because of the addiction risk.

However, this might change if they learn how to turn gaming into a lucrative business. 

The pandemic was a tremendous boost to the development of video games, and there are a lot of methods to generate money through them. 

Live-streaming platforms like Twitch and Booyah attract millions of viewers who tune in to watch gaming pros at work.

Even if you’re not the extroverted type, you may break into the gaming industry by playing games and reviewing them.

Those who work as game testers have early access to upcoming video games, try them out and provide developers with valuable input. 

You may also find sponsors to support your games and provide video guides for them. 

If you’re a video game aficionado, this is the perfect lazy job for you.

It probably won’t even feel like work.

Netflix Tagger 

Would you be interested in getting paid to sit on the couch and watch Netflix?

The good news is that, unexpectedly, you actually can!

Businesses like Netflix require viewers who can evaluate and classify the content they provide.

In that case, why not get paid to do something you’re currently doing all day long?

Editorial analysts are employed online to examine the content and assign tags to it so that viewers can find what they’re looking for and have a positive viewing experience. 

As a result, they are able to achieve better results by focusing on the improvement of the user experience on digital platforms.

Line Stand-In 

There are people out there who are willing to pay you to wait in queues for them.

As they are likely to be busy all day at work, they may ask you to pick up their tickets for them. 

Or maybe there’s a brand-new product that everyone wants or a sold-out concert that nobody can get tickets for. 

Somebody will pay you to hold a place in line for them.

If you have hours to kill, you might as well help someone out and get paid.

Food Taster 

This has the potential to become a full-time career option.

You can even do this safely from the comfort of your home. 

As a taste tester, you’d have to evaluate a lot of free samples of various foods and products. 

Food testing companies and universities that have been granted permission by the government to conduct such tests pay top dollar for their expertise.

Can you picture yourself getting paid to sample ice cream? Talk about a dream job. 

They’re obligated to do human testing as part of their contracts with food and nutrition companies. 

Take, for example, the coffee tasters whose job it is to spit out samples of different coffees as they consume and rate them.

Through this, the corporation can learn more about the state of its new product and how to make adjustments as necessary.

Related Reading: Make Money While You Sleep – Learn More Here.

Paid Cuddler 

Most folks like a good snuggle session.

Yes, there is a market and a need for it.

Because of this need, businesses like Cuddle Comfort exist and thrive. 

They look for people like you, who are content to just lounge about all day, to come to cuddle customers.

Take a deep dive into how to get paid while cuddling here.

Book Reviewer 

Book fanatic?

Do you enjoy reading books and writing about them?

If so, you might enjoy being a book reviewer. 

If you give feedback to authors on their novels, you can help them write better books and potentially increase book sales. 

You will be compensated for your time spent writing these critiques.

This is the perfect employment for those who prefer to take it easy.

The pay scale is different on each platform.

For example, reviews submitted to can earn you $5 to $60, while reviews submitted to Booklist online can earn you $15.

Hotel Room Tester 

The quality of the hotel’s beds is crucial to its success.

Because of this, they need people like you to come in and try them out. 

There are legitimate opportunities to get paid to spend the night in a hotel and evaluate the bedding.

Video Game Tester 

Video game companies also rely on players to report bugs and provide constructive criticism.

If you’re used to spending a lot of time in your living room playing video games, you might be the ideal candidate for this position. 

You can enjoy playing video games while making money at the same time!

Isn’t that the dream?

Professional Friend 

Whether you consider yourself a lazy person or not, you have to admit that this job is pretty chill. 

Depending on the site, your rate as an online friend ranges from $10 to $50 per hour.

In this situation, your pay is proportional to the number of hours you work.

That being said, your income will directly reflect your level of laziness.

Do you want to begin renting out your services but don’t know where to start?

Since more than 600,000 people use Rent a Friend every day to find a friend, it’s clear why this platform has become so successful.

They prioritize in-person meetings but can let you stick to virtual friendships if you choose.

Another service that comes highly recommended by Tripadvisor is Rent a Local Friend.

Travelers to your city could become new friends or customers.

Professional Mourner 

It’s a common practice in some places to compensate mourners for their time and effort spent at a funeral.

This occupation has been around for quite some time, despite its odd reputation.

If you are easily moved to tears on a daily basis, this position may be ideal for you.

Locating funeral services is a breeze when you do a web search.

Find out what individuals in your neighborhood are willing to spend by doing some research. 

In addition to being a simple task, it also helps those who need it most during a service. 

Professional Foreigner 

As a foreigner in countries like China, you can get paid to attend events.

A thousand yuan (about $145) for each dinner is a pretty hefty sum, and there are people getting paid that just to show up.

China has a booming “rent a foreigner” market.

Chinese businesses will sometimes pay for a foreigner to pose as a star at a product launch, a grand opening, or a welcome party.

It has been suggested that the presence of a mysterious foreigner lends an air of success to any gathering.

Sports Crowd Member 

There’s a job out there for you if you’re absolutely crazy about sports and wouldn’t mind getting paid to shout, pump your fists, talk over, and even boo the other team. 

It’s true; fans will pay you to sit through games with them.

Event staffing agencies like Rent-A-Crowd specialize in hiring for such occasions.

Plant Caretaker 

While on vacation, some homeowners may require a helping hand around the house.

They’re willing to pay someone to water the plants and tend the garden. 

While this may sound like a lot of work, in reality, it only involves a quick stop once a day (or every few days) to water and reposition any plants that are in need of additional light.

Search Engine Tester 

Specialists in testing the accuracy of search engines like Google and Bing are in high demand.

If you want to make money as a search engine evaluator, all you have to do is type in some test terms and see if the expected results pop up. 

In essence, your job is to make search engines better.

Lazy individuals would probably enjoy this job because it is so simple, and you get to set your own hours.

Related Reading: Jobs For Stay-At-Home Moms – Explore The Jobs Here.

Chat Operator 

If you’re usually online and don’t mind chatting with strangers, why not turn your online time into cash?

Many businesses, like Needle, offer financial incentives for doing so.

People who have a passion for retail and an extensive understanding of the things sold in stores are valuable assets to Needle.

After signing up for the service, you’ll be able to begin responding to customers’ inquiries.

Professional Flirt 

Online flirting is a great job for a lazy person who likes to be nice to strangers. 

It’s worth remembering that you need not go anywhere, change clothes, or even bat your eyelashes in order to participate. 

You may get paid to flirt with strangers by signing up for sites like Chat Recruit.

This one is more for the ladies. 

Sell Your Hair 

Many long-locked slackers make money using this method.

You should find out if this is legal in your country before trying it.

You can make money by selling your wild but beautiful curly hair to salons and beauty schools.

This may be an offbeat approach, but it is nonetheless a viable means of earning some cash!

Security Guard 

To clarify, I am not referring to working as a bank security guard, which requires specialized education and licensing.

What I mean is watching after a convenience store or pet shop while the owner is away.

Even if you don’t get much in return, you could be amazed at how much the local shops appreciate your efforts. 

If you’re going to stand around and chat with strangers anyway, you might as well get paid for it. 

Private Detective 

Private investigators rely on their wits rather than their muscles.

If you’re the laid-back type, spending your days goofing around online, tooling around town in your car, and snapping the odd photo for a customer should do the trick.

Many private investigators may do their jobs from the comfort of their own homes, in their jammies, which you are sure to appreciate.

The attractiveness of this profession is in the pay it offers. The maximum yearly salary is $48,000.

If you spend your days digging around online, you can make a decent living.


The ministry is probably the best field for those who want to take it easy. 

To earn their living, many pastors do nothing more than preparing a sermon for Sunday and Wednesday.

Clergy members typically do not work the standard Monday through Friday schedule. 

There’s no need to fake illness or an emergency at home in order to avoid work because the pastor is in charge. 

The critical factor here is the size of the congregation.

Clergy members at larger churches are compensated more than those at smaller parishes.

Truck Driver 

A road trip is the best kind of vacation.

You get to experience incredible places and interact with fascinating people.

It’s possible to have a job as a driver if you’re smart and familiar with traffic laws.

Turn up the volume and rock out as you drive across America.

There’s a world full of adventure out there, and if you can navigate it, you’ll be able to make a decent living from it.

If you’re able to spend 8-10 hours a day on the road without getting antsy or cranky, truck driving is one of the fun jobs that might appeal to you.

Teach English 

Is your command of the English language strong?

Are you able to tell the difference between they’re, there, and their?

With a webcam, you may work with a language worker and share your expertise. 

Countless businesses like Preply are desperately seeking native English speakers to hire as English language instructors. 

Different employers have different requirements, from having a degree to just passing a test.

Project Manager 

Is it fun for you to order people around?

Do you have a knack for passing tasks off to others?

To succeed in project management, it helps to be more of a leader than a worker.

You won’t have to do anything once you’ve assembled your team and provided them with the materials they need.

Put your feet up, make sure the crew is doing fine, and relax.

Almost every field needs project managers; focus on learning about the one you already know something about.

It’s a perfect occupation for folks who want to take it easy and like wallowing in their own laziness.

Real Estate Appraiser 

An appraiser’s expertise is vital during the sales pipeline of a home or business.

They’re also valuable during any financial transactions involving real property.

The majority of the time, these individuals will just drive by, examine the house and establish its approximate value for both parties.

Related Reading: How To Make Money In Real Estate – Find Out Here.

Breath Odor Evaluator 

Detecting bad breath may not be the most fulfilling profession, but it can pay well. 

Manufacturers of chewing gum and mints rely on product testers who, among other things, sniff the testers’ breath to determine how well the products work.


Those who are bilingual (or multilingual) and are interested in remote work opportunities can translate legal and business papers. 

If your grammar skills are decent, you can get paid to stay in bed all day and translate material from one language into another.

Film Critic 

A film critic, also called a film reviewer, is someone who writes objective assessments of movies.

Duties include watching movies, taking notes, and doing research to support or refute a point.

This is based on the film’s dialogue, acting, and director, among other factors.

Though a bachelor’s degree isn’t essential, many publications prefer to hire film critics who have one. 

Good reading comprehension, along with the ability to write clearly and critically, are all essential ingredients for crafting a fascinating review.

If you live for movies and also happen to be a decent writer, this is the job for you! 

Chicken Sexer 

You can make money by determining the gender of baby chickens if you don’t mind spending your days playing with them. 

This one-of-a-kind position is ideal for reserved individuals seeking a low-stress profession in the countryside. 

Voiceover Artist 

If you’re looking for a job that compensates you to do nothing but talk, you’ve found it.

You use your voice to narrate things like audiobooks, tutorials, and videos on YouTube. 

A career as a voiceover artist may be ideal for you if you have a good speaking voice.

Court Reporter 

For those who despise multitasking, this is the modern equivalent of the old typing or stenographer job. 

All you have to do is type, type, type, and do it quickly.

The good news is that you won’t have to worry about learning to type at lightning speed on your own.

Crowdfunded Real Estate 

Investing in real estate through a crowdfunding platform is an alternative for those who are interested in making money but don’t want to deal with the day-to-day responsibilities that come with it (management, maintenance, renters, etc.). 

The property is selected by a professional investing team, and you can choose to invest as much or as little as you like.

The minimum investment on the real estate platform might be anything from ten dollars to tens of thousands of dollars, and you’ll be expected to pay an annual management fee. 


If you’re looking for a lucrative passive income stream, dropshipping should be high on your list of options. 

Dropshipping makes it easy to sell in-demand items from online stores like AliExpress to buyers all over the world. 

Your online shop can be stocked with drop-shipped goods from a wide range of industries, including clothing, home decor, and cosmetics.

With drop-shipping, you can be your own boss and set your own prices, which is why it’s so appealing to those who don’t want to work much.

Related Reading: Best Dropshipping Stores – Explore Your Options Here.


Somebody has to add the subtitles that we all rely on to the countless new episodes of TV series that are created every day. 

Someone does this manually at home by listening to the video over and over again until they fully understand what is being said.

While this can be frustrating if you have to redo the same scene multiple times until it’s perfect, it’s still a decent method to earn money without leaving the house.

Some videos may pay more than $30 per hour to transcribe since they need specialized knowledge, such as in the fields of law or medicine.

Pizza Rater

In order to boost their overall ratings on major food apps, many pizza chains are willing to pay you to leave an online review of their product. 

In exchange, you’ll receive $5 for your time and a free pizza whenever you rate one.

Reviewing a pizza establishment is as simple as making a quality evaluation and posting your thoughts online. 

If you’re keen to get going, you may sign up for TheSourceAgents and do so right away.

Site Flipper 

Every year, thousands of blog owners just stop updating their sites.

Purchasing blogs with a decent level of traffic and established cash flow could be an excellent way to generate passive income.

Ads placed on blogs through Google’s AdSense program typically bring in a steady monthly income for the blog’s owners. And if you don’t like Adsense, here are some alternatives.

Affiliate programs might be another source of income. Here are some of the best affiliate programs for beginners that I am an affiliate of.

From a monetary standpoint, the average blog sale price is 24 times the owner’s average monthly revenue. 

Thus, if the site brings in $250 a month in revenue, you should be able to purchase it for no more than $6,000.

For example, if you put $5,000 into a website with quality “evergreen content,” you may get money from that investment long after you have stopped adding new content to the website.

Online Dating Ghostwriter 

A ghostwriter for online dating services is someone who creates fake profiles for clients.

If you can write clever online dating profiles, you might be a good fit for this position. 

You might do this as a freelancer from the comfort of your own home, or you could be employed directly by well-known dating websites.

Toy Designer 

A toy designer’s job is to create playthings for kids that are fun and safe for them to use.

Toy designers, who are often called product designers or toymakers, need to be highly imaginative and inventive. 

They need to be able to use the materials efficiently to make safe toys for kids.

In addition, they need expertise in making toys that can withstand play and be easily cleaned. 

Possessing a penchant for technology and mechanical aptitude are both highly desirable traits. 

A degree in the arts, such as design, is required for a career in toy design.

Familiarity with computer-aided design software and engineering savvy are also necessary. 

This is a relatively low-stress job that doesn’t require a lot of labor. 


When put to good use, a hacker’s skills are invaluable.

Companies who want to ensure the safety of their software could benefit from your hacking expertise. 

Ethical computer specialists, also known as “white hat hackers,” are employed to lawfully into a business’s network in search of security flaws. 

In a world where computers control major corporations, the expertise of white hat hackers is crucial.

This is a pretty sedentary job where you don’t have to interact with people much. 

Related Reading: How To Make Money Watching Videos – Dive Deeper Here.

Why It’s Okay To Be A Lazy Worker 

Lazy folks prefer to do high-leverage activities. 

People who are more prone to laziness tend to avoid unneeded work in order to conserve their energy.

Instead, they focus on tasks that require minimal effort with a big payoff. 

Automating mundane and time-consuming tasks is one example of a process that can be used to multiply energy. 

Coming up with these solutions will probably make your employer happy. 

You’re less likely to get stressed. 

Procrastinating from stressful tasks and engaging in calmer or more enjoyable activities may really help us in the long run.

This is especially true of young adults. 

Young people’s mental health requires them to engage in what some adults might consider slothful pursuits.

You lean towards diffused thinking.

There are two ways of thinking that occur in our heads: the more diffused way, and the more focused way.

To be at our most innovative and productive, we need to keep bouncing back and forth between the two states. 

Diffused thought, or “mind wandering,” is a valuable way for our brains to digest information and can lead to novel solutions. 

A study published in Consciousness and Cognition found that when we let our minds roam without focusing on productive work, we are better able to concentrate on our long-term aims. 

Give yourself permission to slack off today so that you can get things done tomorrow!

You’d be less prone to burnout. 

Idleness and apathy can be channeled into productive efforts that help you take charge of your life.

Slackers may prevent burnout by giving their bodies and minds regular rest even while earning money.

Being lazy works wonders for mental health. 

One of the invigorating things we can do for our psyches, according to psychoanalyst and leadership development professor Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries, is to take it easy from time to time. 

Keeping yourself occupied is a great defense mechanism for avoiding dwelling on upsetting thoughts and emotions. 

Yet, by acting manically, we cover up our true emotions and worries, avoiding stretches of uninterrupted, free-flowing thought.

You have more chances to recharge your energy stores. 

The benefits of rest and inactivity are similar to those of laziness. Still, they are often associated with a less negative meaning. 

Numerous studies demonstrate the health advantages of taking breaks and napping during the day, leads to reduced blood pressure and a more refreshed state of mind.

Related Reading: How To Make Money Without A Job – Get The Insights Here.

Final Thoughts 

While reading this list of the best jobs for the laziest of the lazy, I hope you haven’t had to suppress a yawn or fall asleep (unless you’re getting paid to do so).

Everyone can find what they’re looking for in today’s job market.

So, which jobs for lazy people will you experiment with?

One of the best careers for folks who like to take their time could require some testing.

You should be able to find something that works for you, but it may take a few tries.

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